Spring 2020: Brenden Perez
What do I miss about study abroad? A look back at the semester cut short due to the pandemic.
Studying While Abroad
For students considering a semester abroad, the academic impact of that semester is important.
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Transitions are hard. When I first arrived in London, I was forced to adjust – to the culture shock, to major public transportation, to living and studying with new people, to being independent in a foreign city.
Where to Study?
If it were up to me, I would spend my seven weeks in London sightseeing, visiting museums, sampling cafés, walking along the Thames…

Two Weeks and a Weekend
Time flies when you’re having fun. It also flies when you’re thrust into a bustling, ever-changing metropolis that stretches over 600 square miles and is home to over 8 million people.
Looking Ahead
As I write this, I am sitting in the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport. I have checked my 31-pound bag and made it through security and to my gate. My next stop is Newark Liberty International Airport, and from there – London, England.
The thing that people don’t tell you about leaving to go abroad is that once the realization hits that you are going to another country for months on end, you essentially turn into a powder keg of emotions.
4,000 Miles from Home
It’s been six months since I first arrived in Aix-en-Provence (Aix). The first semester flew by so quickly that it’s hard to accept that it’s already January.

First Impressions
In my first week here, the same question keeps coming up- perché studi italiano? In English, why do you study Italian?
To continue reading student stories, see our archive of the past two years:- 2025
- 2020
Spring 2020: Sydney Tomlinson
What do I miss about study abroad? A look back at the semester cut short due to the pandemic.Jun01
Spring 2020: Brenden Perez
What do I miss about study abroad? A look back at the semester cut short due to the pandemic. - 2019
Studying While Abroad
by Susanna Sharples-Gordon
For students considering a semester abroad, the academic impact of that semester is important. - 2018
Looking Back and Moving Forward
by Rachel Carter
Transitions are hard. When I first arrived in London, I was forced to adjust – to the culture shock, to major public transportation, to living and studying with new people, to being independent in a foreign city.Aug22
Where to Study?
by Rachel Carter
If it were up to me, I would spend my seven weeks in London sightseeing, visiting museums, sampling cafés, walking along the Thames…
Two Weeks and a Weekend
by Rachel Carter
Time flies when you’re having fun. It also flies when you’re thrust into a bustling, ever-changing metropolis that stretches over 600 square miles and is home to over 8 million people.Jun14
Looking Ahead
by Rachel Carter
As I write this, I am sitting in the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport. I have checked my 31-pound bag and made it through security and to my gate. My next stop is Newark Liberty International Airport, and from there – London, England.May01
by James Padgett
The thing that people don’t tell you about leaving to go abroad is that once the realization hits that you are going to another country for months on end, you essentially turn into a powder keg of emotions. - 2017
One of a Kind
by Vanessa Zhao
It’s been a long day, yet it seemed to go by in a flash. Although counterintuitive, I can find no better way of describing my past 48 hours.
Big Expectations
by Spencer Eudy
I wish for this to be an experience I never forget and can look back on in the future.
The Experiences of a Lifetime
by Kyra Stickford
Although I’ve only been in Japan for a week, I feel like I’ve been here for a month.
Culture Shock: Having the Neighbors for Dinner and Some Fun With Geography
by Abigail Bridgeman
It’s only been two weeks since I arrived in Graz and I’m already in love.
Before I Go
by Kyra Stickford
As the semester wraps up, I am getting closer and closer to leaving for my Overseas Study trip. In just two short weeks, I will be packing up and heading to Osaka, Japan to study photography and videography.
La Comida en Sevilla
by Susanna Sorrells
One of the best topics I will get to write about is the food in Sevilla. It took some getting used to at first, but now I love the cuisine and diet. Let me take you through a typical day.
Less is More
by Susanna Sorrells
The main reason I have come to terms with traveling light is because what you pack won’t define your trip.
Academic Life, Social Life, and Beyond
by Philip Jiao
The British university system is not simply easier or harder than universities in the U.S. They have different teaching and learning concepts.
Let's Talk Language
by Susanna Sorrells
I was silent, but inside I was screaming. The awkwardness was eating at me but I could not figure out how to overcome it, simply because I did not know what to say.
Adventures with German Kitchens
by Rebecca Haley
At first I thought that figuring out things like outlets, showers, and other household utilities would be the hardest – but nope, it was the kitchen.
Women's March in London
by Philip Jiao
I was in London to visit a friend and the British Museum when I ran into the Women's March on London at the Trafalgar Square.
Settling In
by Susanna Sorrells
Sevilla, Spain is now my new home for the next few months. Getting used to a new city, a new culture, and a new home can be difficult and sometimes scary. But for me, it was the opposite.
Immediate Anxieties and Long-Term Goals
by Christy Margeson
During the second week of January, I moved out of the dorm and in with my first-ever host family.
Taking the Plunge
by Susanna Sorrells
It’s easy to have doubts and concerns about studying abroad and leaving a familiar place for a few months. But, it’s also a whole lot easier to think about why you should go.
Lost Luggage and Life Lessons
by Philip Jiao
I tried my best to catch my flight to London; however, my luggage didn’t run as fast as me and it stayed in Moscow.
The Ticking of the Clock
by Emily Blankenhorn
I am anxious to leave my family, pack the right things, and fly alone to a city where I don't even know the language. But most of all, I feel eager.
- 2016
by Christy Margeson
The apprehension about starting anew in a foreign country is one thing to deal with, but words fail to describe the rollercoaster of emotions I've actually experienced since my plane touched down in Nagoya, Japan.
Goals and Apprehensions
by Christy Margeson
Apprehensions are a good thing, according to Christy as she prepares for a year in Japan.
Unexpected Lessons
by Rachel Larsen
When traveling, there are some things you expect to make an impact. But the best parts of study abroad are the ones you never saw coming.
We're Halfway There
by Rachel Larsen
I''ve finished an entire course, took a few weekend trips around the country, and even stayed in Stockholm, Sweden for a few days. This is a weekly review, from arrival to the start of my second session.
O' Captain, My Captain: Sailing the Isefjord
by Rachel Larsen
Myself and 18 new friends traveled to Isefjord, a small freshwater fjord connecting Kategat (the cat canal) to mainland Hoelbæk of Denmark.
by Alexa Stegemoller
It's finally beginning to set in that I only have four weeks left in this beautiful city. It seems like mid-semester break was just yesterday, yet here I am reminiscing on the trip.
Fly Me Away!
by Rachel Larsen
International travel is a whole new ball game. I've laid out some tips for students to get ahead of the flight-booking game that may make it a little easier for you on your journey than it was on mine.
New Insights
by Holly Paddack
I took a trip to see the Great Barrier Reef first hand after I had been hearing all of this talk about it, and it turned out to be the most remarkable experience I've ever been blessed to have. I had never been snorkeling, let along scuba diving, and doing so blew me out of the water (quite literally).
Patriotism and Studying Abroad
by Landon Davidson
I will always be proud to be a Midwestern boy at heart, and experiencing other cultures does not distract from this. Instead it opens my eyes to realities I could not have known and at the same time allows me to share the perspective that I uniquely have.
Time Flies
by Alexa Stegemoller
With only a week left before mid-semester break, I look back on my time here thus far and am truly amazed at how fast it has gone by.
by Adam Kiefer
Studying abroad is not easy, and when I said my final goodbyes at the airport and boarded my plane, I had never felt so unsure of myself and what I had gotten myself into. It wasn't until I looked at my reflection in the cramped bathroom of the airplane and told myself I could do this, that I felt I could.
The Perfectly Imperfect Moments
by Adam Kiefer
Studying Abroad is made up of a series of moments. Some are good and some are bad, some are fun and some are tough, but each is equally essential in creating the formative and unforgettable experience you are sure to have.
On to the Next Adventure
by Alexa Stegmoller
I stayed in England for a week, New Zealand for a month, Brisbane for about 10 days, and have now made my way to Adelaide. It's strange to say that arriving in Adelaide is "settling down" but it does feel nice to unpack my bags and know where I'll be staying each night.
The Beauty of Adventure
by Holly Paddack
Explorers may have no idea what’s ahead of them, but they do know it can only be good.
The Truth About Travel
by Nadine Herman
I can't promise that I won't have more travel mishaps (in fact I can almost guarantee it will). However, I can promise that these unplanned moments are the ones that will stick with me years from now.
Returning to South America
by Landon Davison
As I approach what I have long considered to be the culmination of my collegiate undergraduate experience, I'd like to take a moment to look back at all that has gone into making this opportunity not only conceptually possible but the fulfilling experience that is set to begin so soon.
The Defining Moment
by Adam Kiefer
Study Abroad is made up of a lot of moments. Some are small and some are huge, some are glorious and others aren't. These moments are all a part of what makes the experience so dynamic, and in my opinion, worth it. They are also what make you grow.
Immune to the Travel Bug
by Abbey Hudetz
The temptation of wanderlust is a tenacious one, but for me, pull of exploration has been eclipsed by my fascination with the city of London itself.Jan25
So You Think You Can Be a Londoner
by Abbey Hudetz
I have always believed the term “tourist” held a negative connotation. When traveling, I make a conscious effort to navigate my new surroundings with ease and appear as a local to the untrained eye. As unreasonable and frivolous as this expectation may be—that one can integrate themselves into a new city as soon as they hop off the plane—I have always insisted upon it.Jan19
On My Way
by Adam Kiefer
I am currently at the Indianapolis International Airport about to begin my Journey to study abroad in Berlin, Germany.Jan13
The Trip Before the Plane Ride
by Abbey Hudetz
The thing that people don’t tell you about leaving to go abroad is that once the realization hits that you are going to another country for months on end, you essentially turn into a powder keg of emotions.Jan04