Although I am still in the United States, I feel like studying abroad has already been a huge part of my life. Everywhere I go, friends and family congratulate me and say how much they will miss me, but most importantly, everyone is excited for me. While I will miss friends and family from home and school, I know I will be in many people’s thoughts over the coming months because they are all so proud of me. It’s easy to have doubts and concerns about studying abroad and leaving a familiar place for a few months. But, it’s also a whole lot easier to think about why you should go. For me, the initial decision to study abroad in Spain was clear, as I am minoring in Spanish. I knew that in order to be able to able to consider myself fluent in Spanish, I would need to immerse myself into the language. My first goal for myself—to strengthen my Spanish.
I have been fortunate enough to travel all over the United States and see many of my own country’s glories. I have also been lucky to travel outside of the United States with family and get a taste of life in other countries. However, I have never been to Europe. I have never stayed in another country for more than two weeks… let alone four months. A lot of “firsts” will be happening to me within the coming months. First time on a plane for more than five hours. First time in Europe. First time in Sevilla. First time living in a foreign country with people I do not know but have opened their home and agreed to host me. There are so many opportunities I will have while studying abroad and I plan on taking advantage of as many as possible. My second goal for myself—check as many “firsts” off my list as I can.
Four months is a long time. But four months can go by fast. At home, I am saying that I will see everyone in four months, that it will go by fast, that I will be home before you know it. Which in some way, is true. But once in Sevilla, I only have four months. Four months to take classes, meet new people, become familiar with my home city, travel everywhere I can, strengthen my Spanish skills, and have the experience of a lifetime. Studying abroad is such a unique part of a college career, and I am so grateful I am about to have this experience. This last week of being home is full of packing and goodbyes—two things that are stressful, overwhelming, happy, and sad all at once. I have been preparing for this for months and I have a strong support team behind me. Which leads me to my last main goal for myself while studying abroad—live in the moment but remember what you came for.