Coming home from a semester or year abroad can be as trying as acclimating to a new culture. Don't be shocked if you experience reverse culture shock; it is just another stage in the experience of studying abroad.
There are a number of volunteer groups and student clubs on campus or in the local community that have an international focus. These can be a great way to remain involved and feel connected.
IU Organizations
- Commission on Multicultural Understanding: Students, staff, and faculty working together to create an inclusive, welcoming, multicultural campus.
- Conversation Exchange with international students at the Intensive English Program (IEP). Contact
- Global Speakers' Service: Share your experience with public schools, businesses, and the community. Contact
- La Casa: Volunteer in a variety of capacities at this Latino community center. Contact
- Office of International Services: International student associations, international coffee hours, and brown bag lunches in German, Japanese, and Spanish. International Services also seeks student volunteers to welcome new international students each fall. Contact for more info.
- Education Abroad: to volunteer as a returned student, contact Amanda Roshan-Rawaan, Associate Director (812-855-7588) or email
- Contact a study abroad returnee: Get in touch with other former students who went on your program.
Community Organizations
- Bloomington Worldwide Friendship Network
- Volunteers in Teaching Adult Learners (VITAL): Visit Monroe County Public Library, 303 East Kirkwood
A few ways to keep in touch with the country you left are listed below:
- Contact the friends you made overseas.
- Read world newspapers at the library or on line.
- Watch international newscasts on SCOLA (Channel 3 in Bloomington).
- Look for foreign films through local outlets (the Ryder film series in Bloomington), rent one at a local video store or get one free at your public library.
- Find ingredients for foreign dishes at the farmer's market or an international grocery store.
Chances are likely that you are interested in going overseas again, possibly to work or volunteer abroad. See Experiential Opportunities for more information.
Education Abroad hosts a re-entry workshop at the beginning of the fall semester for students who have recently returned from a study abroad program. The focus of the event is to discuss the "return" to the U.S. and/or IU, discussing common challenges and strategies for successfully reintegrating into the home culture. Opportunities to continue the international experience both NOW (campus/community/person) and LATER (careers, graduate schools, volunteer work abroad) will be presented. Students will also receive information about how to sell the study abroad experiences to future employers and graduate schools. All students will be sent an email invitation a few weeks before the workshop. For more information about the workshop, please contact
Employer Perspectives: Why study abroad?

Studies show that a study abroad experience can impact your career goals and marketable skills. Managers from various companies cited cross-cultural communications skills, independence, cultural awareness, maturity and flexibility as skills that students who have studied abroad possess.
According to recent studies:
- 73% of employers cited study abroad as important when evaluating job candidates.
- 80% of human resources executives said study abroad experience influenced job placement for overseas positions.
- 90% of employers believe study abroad students possess highly desirable skills.
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