Meet With an Advisor

All IU study abroad students must attend an Education Abroad Info Session to understand the basics of study abroad: how to research program options, costs, financial aid and scholarships, and how (and when) to apply to a program.

These sessions are held at 10am and 2pm. Mondays and Fridays are via Zoom; Tuesday thru Thursday are in-person. 

  • Fall 2024 (August 12 - December 20)
  • Spring 2025 (January 13 - Finals Week)

  • Pre-Spring 2025 (week of January 6) - these sessions will be at 2pm online and held via Zoom. 

Visit One.IU  to access the Student Appointment Scheduler and then search “Info Session” to see Julie Branam's calendar and to sign up. Students only need to attend this session once. 

For Kelley School of Business majors to access the Kelley study abroad advisors, this step is encouraged, but not required.

All students: you are welcome to meet with your academic advisor BEFORE attending an Info Session. If you do, you do not need to meet with them again (unless you want to!).

Students seeking guidance about whether they can study abroad with their particular major(s) should first meet with their academic advisor(s) to understand their remaining degree requirements. Then, students should meet with a program-specific education abroad advisor.

Kelley School of Business Majors: You are welcome to start this conversation with your regularly assigned academic advisor, but you are encouraged to also speak with a Kelley study abroad advisor at this step of the process (search “Kelley study abroad” in SAS to find available appointment slots) to discuss program options, academic progress, and graduation requirements.

All students: if you meet with your academic advisor, and then attend an Info Session with us, that's fine! Continue on to Steps #3 or #4 then.

If you have general questions, let our Peer Advisors assist you during our drop-in advising hours:

  • Fall 2024 (through December 22): Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 9am to 4pm in the Ferguson International Center lobby

Drop-in advising is a great option for quick questions, help navigating resources, or seeking peer advice (especially if you're interested in the same program, country, or region!). Peer advisors do not review students' specific course requirements. 

Once a student has attended a First Steps Info Session and is ready to explore a specific program, students can meet with an education abroad advisor for a 1:1 appointment. These appointments are for program-specific questions. Note: first-time inquiries or general advising questions are handled through the Info Sessions and will be referred there.

Kelley School of Business Majors: You are encouraged to speak with a Kelley study abroad advisor before you finalize your program choice (search “Kelley study abroad” in SAS to find available appointment slots).

Visit One.IU to access the Student Appointment Scheduler and then search for the relevant advisor. Click on the advisor’s name below to see their advising portfolios.

Joseph BlevinsAustin-B.pngLucia CalderónSam HudsonAmanda Roshan-Rawaan
Joseph Blevins
Education Abroad Advisor

Austin Borreson
Education Abroad Advisor
Lucia Calderón
Education Abroad Advisor
Sam Hudson
Assistant Director
Amanda Roshan-Rawaan
Senior Associate Director

Students also can contact their School-or College-based study abroad office for unit-based program options:

IU Bloomington students may participate in a non-IU program by following Education Abroad’s Non-IU Programs procedures, which are undergoing a policy change effective Summer 2025 programs and later. 

Non-IU Program Info Sessions are held Fridays at 1pm via Zoom. Visit One.IU to access the Student Appointment Scheduler and then search “Non-IU Info Session” to see Julie Branam's calendar and to sign up.

**Non-IU Program Info Sessions are on hold while the policy changes are being finalized.

Students from IUPUI or a regional campus must speak with their campus coordinator about their campus’ non-IU program policies.