Non-IU Procedures

Indiana University (IU) has a vast number of affordable, pre-approved study, research, intern, and service-learning abroad programs in a range of countries. The IU Education Abroad Office requires students to participate in pre-approved programs unless there is a compelling academic reason to attend a program not already approved by the IU Education Abroad Office.

Any student who desires to enroll in an overseas program that is not on the list of pre-approved IU programs must submit a non-IU program petition. This is to ensure that students are participating in high-quality programs both in terms of academics and student services support. This process also allows the university to better manage risk and prepare for emergencies.

Students must have an academically compelling reason for submitting a petition. This is not a program approval process, but rather a case-by-case review of the individual student’s academic reasons for wanting to participate in a particular non-IU program. Cost, location, and ineligibility for IU programs are not valid reasons for submitting a petition.

Examples of academically-compelling reasons may include: A language flagship student pursuing a program for intensive language and culture study, and the program fulfills their required flagship summer or capstone year experience. Or a dance major/minor pursuing dance classes at a conservatory where IU does not already have an approved program.

Petition Process

Meet with an Education Abroad advisor to discuss your non-IU program interest, IU degree progress, comparable approved IU programs (if applicable), and the non-IU petition process and timeline. Schedule with any of our advisors using Student Appointment Scheduler. Be sure to indicate in the purpose of your appointment that you are considering a non-IU program.

After meeting with an education abroad advisor, you must submit a completed online petition to the Education Abroad Office by or before:

  •  Summer programs: December 15
  •  Fall and academic year programs: December 15
  •  Spring programs: July 15

 Late petitions will NOT be accepted under any circumstances.

Education Abroad strongly encourages students to apply concurrently for a pre-approved program by IU’s deadline (not the program provider’s deadline, which in most cases is later than the IU deadline). The Non-IU Petition deadline is set to align with IU programs’ deadlines, to ensure students can apply concurrently, if they wish.

The Petition must include all of the following information in order to be considered (must include Parts 1 and 2):

Part 1 - Petition

  1. The name of the organization sponsoring the program, the name of the program and/or host institution abroad, and the location (city and country) of the program.
  2. The term the student intends to go abroad.
  3. Why the student feels that they have an academically compelling reason for participating in this program. Petitions should be detailed, specific, and include the courses the student is interested in taking, along with the academic rationale.
    1. Students should consult with own Academic Advisement Report for specific requirements for their degree progress, as well as IU’s Credit Transfer Service for previously-transferred credit examples.
  4. What other pre-approved programs the student has already researched.
  5. Why no other pre-approved program will fulfill similar academic progress.


Part 2 - Required Supplemental Information

  1. Who provides the academic credit for the program (e.g. who provides the official transcript, which must include the course name, final grade, credits and/or in-class contact hours).
  2. Description of the comprehensive student support services provided by the program (e.g. is there an on-site director, and other on-site staff? Is an on-site orientation provided?  Is there a 24/7 U.S. emergency number, and if so what is it?  Is there a 24/7 emergency number abroad, and if so what is it?).
  3. The program’s website link.


Petitions will be automatically denied if: 

  • The student has not had a documented advising appointment with an education abroad advisor about their non-IU interest.
  • The petition is incomplete or late.
  • It is determined that the student does not provide an academically compelling reason in their petition.
  • The program does not meet the minimum standards for approval.
  • It is determined that another program already on IU’s approved program list would provide a similar academic experience for the student.
  • The student has knowingly provided false information in their petition, including computer-generated responses.
  • The proposed destination is in (or includes) a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 or 4 country, as outlined in University Policy INT-04.

We encourage you to have a back-up plan for your study abroad goals, in case your non-IU petition is not approved. Check out our list of IU-approved programs (and deadlines!). You cannot submit a late application to an IU-approved program, so be sure to plan ahead.

If your petition is rejected, our office does not provide any further guidance or support, including (but not limited to): application endorsement, academic planning, visa guidance or documentation, financial aid forms, and general education (World Languages & Cultures) or other degree requirement fulfillment.

An Education Abroad advisor will contact you with next steps and instructions, which will include:

  • Completing a Credit Transfer Agreement
  • Submitting a Notification of Acceptance 
  • Applying for the 0-credit OVST placeholder course (there is a $104.90 fee for enrolling in this placeholder course)

After your program ends, have your official transcript sent to International Admissions:

International Admissions
c/o Education Abroad
Ferguson International Center
330 N Eagleson Avenue, Room 100
Bloomington, IN 47405

  1. If you had a CTA approved and there were no changes in your original course schedule, you can assume that your courses will be transferred as agreed when the official transcript arrives at International Admissions. They reserve the right to grant undistributed credit (i.e. DEPT-UN 100) if the transcript course does not exactly match what you listed in your CTA.

If you successfully transfer at least six credits (and were abroad for at least six weeks), our office will include your name on the list of students who fulfill the World Languages & Cultures (WLC) requirement. We submit this list three times per year to the University.


2. If you were not in the 0-credit OVST placeholder course, still ensure that your official transcript goes to International Admissions at the address above. Your name will not appear in our list of students seeking to fulfill the World Languages & Cultures (WLC) requirement. Once your transfer credit is posted to your IU record, email to have your situation evaluated for possible WLC fulfillment.

Credits and grades earned on a Non-IU program will NOT count in your IU GPA. You cannot take classes Pass/Fail. Transfer credit is only awarded for letter grades of 'C' or better.

Also review our Non-IU FAQs page for more information.