Get a medical exam and a dental exam before departure.
Check with the IU Health Center (or your own doctor) about immunizations for where you’re traveling.
Check with your insurance company and your doctor to see if you can fill your current prescriptions so that you can take a supply for the entire period you’ll be abroad. If not, make arrangements for how to acquire your medication.
Get a letter from your doctor, describing your condition(s) and generic names of prescription drugs.
Leave medications in their original containers.
Disclose fully on your medical history form about allergies, health conditions, treatment, etc.
Be prepared to pay for medical services on-site; reimbursement through insurance may take some time.
Make a color photocopy of your passport, visa (if stamped in your passport) and all your credit cards and IDs; leave a copy with someone at home and take a copy with you abroad. Store a copy in your e-mail to allow easy access. Be sure to write down all the contact numbers in case you have to cancel the cards.
Register with the U.S. Embassy in the country where you’ll be studying so the U.S. government is aware of your presence; use the online form.
Read the Country Information Sheet and Public Announcements (if relevant) for your country (and Travel Advisories so you know which areas to avoid).
Check the Department of State’s Emergency Resources so you’re aware of their services and how to contact them abroad.
Discuss with family members the advisability of them obtaining passports should travel abroad become necessary in the event of an emergency.
Insure any valuable items (camera, laptop, jewelry) that you’ll be taking abroad.
Read up on the culture of your host country so you know typical behavior from unusual behavior.