Submit Participation Data

Units are required to submit student participant data to IU Education Abroad at least 4 weeks before the program begins. To do so, please click the link below to submit the required information. Note: programs must be authorized to run for the dates specified.  

Any updates to the participation roster after the initial form submission must be sent to IU Education Abroad ( right away. Our database must be up to date for accurate safety and reporting purposes.

Link to Submission Form

Required information:

  • Program name
  • Unit/Department
  • Contact person name and email
  • Date of most recent program authorization
    • All programs must be initially authorized by the Overseas Study Advisory Council (OSAC). After each run of the program, a summary report must be submitted to OSAC for reauthorization.
    • For more information or to submit a program report for reauthorization, click here.
  • Program city, country
  • Specific program dates (for participation records and insurance coverage, if needed)
  • Indicate whether IU Education Abroad needs to enroll students in the GeoBlue insurance policy and who will be billed for the insurance, or if students are otherwise sufficiently insured
  • Upload data spreadsheet [file upload]
    • Data sheets MUST contain Student ID number, Last Name, First Name, and Home Campus in separate columns for each student. If you would like a template, you can find one here.
    • If you have multiple program locations and/or dates to share, please submit each list as a separate survey response. If your program has complex date or location assignments and you’d like to discuss an alternate process, contact for further guidance.
    • Student ID column should include numbers only. Please change the column to format as 'text' and it will allow IU IDs that begin with ) to show correctly.

If we need any more information, we will reach out to the program contact person identified in the form submission.

IU Education Abroad
Phone: (812) 855-9304