Course Equivalencies

Browse and search course equivalencies at Education Abroad

Students pursuing a program managed through IU Education Abroad will earn direct IU-Bloomington credit. The search tool below indicates the credit students will earn. This list is not a guarantee of course availability; it is a running list of what previous students may have taken. Consult program-specific webflyers for information about up-to-date course offerings.

The programs listed below are for Education Abroad-managed programs, including “shared” programs open to Kelley School of Business majors and non-Kelley majors.

The Kelley School of Business International Programs office maintains course equivalencies for Business major credit; email for more information.

Students seeking information about programs run through other IU units or campuses should consult the  IU Unit-Based program list.

Students can automatically fulfill the Global Civilizations and Culture (GCC) requirement on a semester-length, IU-approved program. Students can fulfill the World Languages and Cultures (WLC) requirement on a program abroad that is at least 6 weeks long and yields at least 6 credits (College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts majors must complete four semesters of a foreign language, which already fulfills the WLC requirement). Neither GCC nor WLC tags are noted in the course equivalencies below.

Courses that carry CASE or general education tags are subject to change yearly, and students are responsible for ensuring they consult the appropriate CASE or IUB general education lists, as well as the Education Abroad list below.    

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6762 courses found.

Course equivalency search results
Equivalency Program Foreign Course Title Term
INTL-OS 100 Bangkok-CIS Abroad
Consult program page for guidance about when course may be offered
Ethnicity and Representation in International Affairs Trimester 1 (Fall) Semester
ANTH-OS 100 Jerusalem
Ethnicity in Israeli Culture Semester,
Academic Year
ANTH-E 202 Legon CIEE Arts & Sciences
Ethnographic Field Methods & Techniques Semester
ANTH-E 302 Canterbury-University of Kent
Ethnographic Methods and Visual Anthropology
Academic Year
ANTH-OS 100 Maynooth-Maynooth University
Ethnographic Museums of the Future Spring only Semester,
Academic Year
ANTH-OS 100 Maynooth-Maynooth University
Ethnographies of Crime and Policing Fall only Semester,
Academic Year
ANTH-E 300 Canterbury-University of Kent
Ethnography of Central Asian Societies Semester,
Academic Year
ANTH-OS 100 Perth-University of Western Australia
Ethnography: Methodological Perspectives Semester
ANTH-E 387 Aix-en-Provence
Taught at Aix-Marseille Universit
Ethnologie de l'Europe Contemporaine
Academic Year
FRIT-F 450 Aix-en-Provence
Taught at Aix-Marseille Universit
Ethnologie de la Provence
Academic Year
ANTH-OS 300 Aix-en-Provence
Taught at Aix-Marseille Universit
Ethnologie de la Turquie Semester,
Academic Year
PHIL-P 340 Madrid IU
Taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etica I
Academic Year
PHIL-P 342 Madrid IU
Taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etica II
Academic Year
POLS-Y 379 Madrid IU
Taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etica politica
Academic Year
ANTH-OS 100 Madrid IU
Taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etnologia Semester,
Academic Year
ANTH-E 300 Madrid IU
Reunidas course taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etnologia de Am Spring only Semester,
Academic Year
FOLK-OS 100 Madrid IU
Taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Etnomusicolog Semester,
Academic Year
CLAS-OS 100 Bologna
Etruscologia e Archeologia Italica Semester,
Academic Year
POLS-OS 100 Prague CIEE Multiple Tracks
Europe & the United States: Transatlantic Relations Past and Present Semester
POLS-Y 350 Canterbury-University of Kent
Europe & the World
Academic Year
POLS-Y 362 Vienna IES Multiple Tracks
Vienna IES Music
Europe Beyond the Nation State Fall only
ECON-OS 100 Athens CYA
Europe Today: Winter Is Coming Semester
INTL-OS 100 Bangkok-CIS Abroad
Consult program page for guidance about when course may be offered
Europe and the ?West? in the Contemporary World Trimester 1 (Fall), Trimester 2 (Spring) Semester
INTL-I 300 Barcelona IES Multiple Tracks
Europe in Crisis Semester
HIST-OS 300 Canterbury-University of Kent
Europe in Extremes: Communism, Fascism and Nazism, 1917-1939 Semester,
Academic Year